Become the Parent you Want to Be!

Learn expert-driven, step-by-step skills, to transform your parenting! Created by two child psychologists, based on decades of research.

Join now! ($13)

what's included in membership

Parenting 101 Course

A video series that covers everything that we, as child psychologists want you to know, especially if you have a child between the ages of 1 and 12.


Tantrum Course

You'll learn more about why tantrums develop and why they are so common. You'll also learn over 15 practical, concrete tips for preventing, minimizing, and dealing with tantrums once they happen. This course is ideal for parents of kids between the ages of 1 and 7.

Parenting Deep Dives

In these podcast-style talks, we cover a parenting topic, like increasing frustration tolerance or learning how to give consequences, in more detail. You can listen podcast style, or watch the video!

Parenting Guides

Want more resources? We've got you covered! In this section you will find simple downloadables that cover everything from screentime, to sleep, to preparing your older child for a new baby.

Plus, you will get weekly emails with a parenting tip of the week.

All of these tools are available to members for $13 a month!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still Unsure? Watch a Sample of the Course

Try us out! Watch a free video, "Love, Like, Enjoy" from our Parenting 101 Course.


The Mind & Child membership is ideal for caregivers who... 

  • Have children between the ages of 1 to 12
  • Want to learn positive parenting strategies that work
  • Want a better relationship with their child
  • Want to know how to stop negative behaviors in their tracks

Learn a Real Life Parenting System That Helps Make Really Great Kids into Even Better Adults

The resources available through our membership (including our Parenting 101 Course and our Tantrum course) will help you bloom into the parent you have always wanted to be.

      • Learn to minimize meltdowns
      • Decrease tantrums
      • Take the “non” out of non-compliance
      • Cut down on sibling fighting
      • Reinforce a positive relationship with your child
      • Help your child communicate their feelings
      • Increase your child’s ability to listen
      • Empower yourself to handle challenging behaviors at home or in public

These resources will teach you foundational skills that are backed by research to address most behavior. These techniques empower you as the parent to handle the situation while remaining calm and in control. The resources available through the Mind & Child membership will give you new tools for your parenting toolkit. We promise there is something for everyone!

Yes, I Need This!

What parents are saying...

Robyn B.

The thing I've loved most about membership is feeling like I have a window into how child psychologists parent their own children, and a resource for help when I need it! The deep dives are quick and to the point while providing tools that I can actually use at home, not scripts to memorize or unreachable goals. As a mother of a 6 and 4 year old, I find the topics really helpful at home! 


Jackie W.

The Mind and Child course is an extremely valuable resource and one that I am so grateful for as a parent and home educator. The broad message is encouraging and the ARC metaphor (Additions, Redirections, Corrections) is easy to remember. The examples used to teach each parenting skill are relatable and practical and many of them are new to me, including a new way to time-out and time-in! I have four kids, ranging from 9 months to 12 years, and I found many useful tools to help me parent each one of them.

Dr. Avirett and Dr. Mortimer structured this course so that it is easy to follow and packed each video with meaningful content. The short and informative videos are great for busy moms, I was able to really dive in for the amount of time that I had each day, and I was able to easily tailor my time commitment without feeling lost in the discussion when I picked it back up. I highly recommend Mind and Child for moms in any stage. I've read a lot of parenting books over the past twelve years and I found this course unique and extraordinarily useful!

Kelly T.

I found that these videos gave me the knowledge to translate the actions and reactions of my children into healthy responses which will, in turn, improve their emotional health and the health of our family unit. I am better able to anticipate my children's needs of me - a good listener, one to provide firm boundaries, a calm leader as they try to understand all the emotions running through them. These videos provide so many tools that can be applied immediately to start building a strong foundation for our children. These videos can provide relief to parents who are struggling to try to translate the actions and words of their children. These skills that we learn in the videos will help develop healthy relationships with our children that will lead to each child having healthy relationships with their siblings, friends, and as they grow into adults.

These videos are a breath of fresh air to a struggling parent. They provide peace of mind and hope!

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