
About Us

About Us

We are Dr. Erin Avirett and Dr. Jordana Mortimer, child psychologists. We have over 20 years combined experience and have worked with thousands of families and parents who are just like you. You could be at your wits end, not knowing the best practices for getting through your toddler years; or maybe, you just want to improve your parenting skills as a whole; and maybe, you’re just somewhere in between.

Whatever the case, our passion lies in a desire to help you grow! Between our two families, we have 5 children, ranging from 3 years old to 13. As parents, we’ve personally experienced some of the pains and challenges that are common to so many other parents out there.

We’ve all been there-it’s hard enough to juggle a personal life, a career, AND raise children. Add to that the thousands of books on parenting? It’s too much! That’s the reason we developed Mind & Child and our parenting courses and resources. Let us help you transform your home!

Contact Us

Dr. Jordana Mortimer

Dr. Mortimer is a Licensed Psychologist, currently practicing in Fort Worth, Texas. She has prior experience working within school districts and the hospital setting. Dr. Mortimer has been married for 17 years and has 2 children, ages 8 and 11. Her role in public school and private practice settings has given her opportunities to work with children and young adults from 2-25 for evaluations to determine diagnosis, counseling, and behavioral support. The combination of clinical experience and her personal parenting journey has given her insight into a wide variety of common childhood experiences and challenges. Dr. Mortimer is eager to share research-based strategies to make your home a place where you find true enjoyment. 

Dr. Erin Avirett

Dr. Avirett is a Licensed Psychologist, currently practicing in Amarillo, Texas.  Prior to private practice, she worked within the school district and university settings. Dr. Avirett has been married for 17 years and has 3 children, ages 3, 10, and nearly 13. For the last decade, Dr. Avirett has worked with children, adolescents, and young adults across the southwest for counseling and diagnostic evaluations. She enjoys working with families and guiding parents towards positive and effective parenting strategies. Being a parent to three wonderful children has given her fresh insight into the world of ever-evolving parenting challenges (e.g., the things they don’t ever teach in graduate school!). This, along with her clinical experience and the desire to help more families than the one-on-one nature of private practice allows, is what makes her passionate to share foundational parenting strategies that work.Â